Friday, May 18, 2012

Property Update - the swing

Today we spent the day working at the property.  The goal for today was to get the poles set up for the new swingset we want to build.  We actually got it done even with dad's arm in a cast.

dried up riverbed 

a few of the surviving daffodils

Even a broken arm can't keep him from using the skidster

cutting the grass

digging the holes for the swing poles


setting the first pole

pole #2

annoying neighbor had friends up for target practice.
It was loud and extremely annoying


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Event #2 Arm

If they claim things happen in 3's I'm not looking forward to Event #3.

Looks like this is event #2 -Once again it looks like my dad has a broken bone. 
He was up working at his property and had a little accident. 
They were pulling down some fallen trees using the wench.  My dad was up hooking the cable around a tree and lost his balance.  He ended up bracing his fall with his left hand and caught a rock.  Basically it snapped the bone at his wrist again.

This is the split they came up with to brace his arm until he could get to the hospital.

They really braced his arm up good.  This is just his temporary cast until the swelling goes down.
Update- He does have his cast off now and is slowly getting his wrist back to normal.

Sprinkler Fun #1

Event #1
I came home from work to find this mess in my yard.
Evidently there was a leak in one of my sprinkler pipes.
My neighbors came over and helped my dad dig the hole to find the leak on Friday
and then Bryan can and helped repair the leak on Saturday.
These pictures or of the repair on Saturday - Before the broken wrist incident.