Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Monday Night Excitement

I've been pretty bad about updating this blog lately.  I've saved up lots of things that I planned to add but never seem to get around to it.  So I figured it's about time I made the time to do it.

There was a bit of excitement on my street Monday night. 
Evidently a 20 year old fell asleep at the wheel of a Comcast truck and ran into the side of a house at 10:45pm.  The house was just 2 houses down from mine.

It seems to have done a lot of damaged and even sent the homeowner's 14 year old daughter to the hospital with a major concussion.


The truck crashed into the wall where the 14 year old was sitting at a desk working at a computer.  She was hit by the truck and it pushed the desk and computer onto her pinning her beneath it.  Luckily the girl's older brother was home and was able to unbury her and get her out of the house.

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