Saturday, September 22, 2012

Circus with Z

I received 4 free tickets to the circus from work.  Bryan, Megan, Zoe and I decided to check it out.
Wasn't too bad actually.  The PETA picketers where a bit annoying, but other than that it was kind of fun.  This year's theme was Dragons since it is the Chinese year of the Dragon.

A few of the clowns

Flag during the National Anthem

A few of the mechanical dragons

A picture of the baby elephant

one of the horse stunts

Can't have a circus without Lions and Tigers

Didn't really think we'd see goats, donkeys or llamas

This was the act I didn't like.  Bad picture but on that platform is a little dog.  He jumped on the platform and then it rose up several feet.  Next the little dog jumps and the trainer caught him.



Elephant hand stand

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