Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 13 Sept 16 - Barcelona, Spain

Today we arrived in Barcelona, Spain. We chose a tour for this port. It was called Barcelona Gothic Quarter & City Drive. It started out by taking us to a lookout point where we could see the view of the city.

I made it to another Hard Rock! This one was a challenge. I had to hurry and run to the store while they were loading the tour bus. I barely made it back in time.

I don't understand why but there were a number of people dressed up on the street trying to get you to pay them to take their picture. Here are a few examples.

There were several of these Pet stores out in the open. Selling lots of animals. Mice, Rabbits, hampsters, fish, etc. They didn't actually have a store with walls just a kiosk of sorts in the road divider.

More Gargoyles

Cathedral de Barcelona
I know it's hard to see from the picture but this is the organ that was in the cathedral.
It was spectacular.

Originally geese were used here as a sort of alarm. I guess they would work as well as watchdogs. They still keep 13 white geese on the grounds at all times.

more grafitti

The Market

I thought this was pretty cool for a mail slot.

Christopher Columbus statue in the distance
More Grafitti

Sunset from the ship.

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